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Friday, November 26, 2010

Jamie's Place in my holiday heart

Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day, in America. I am in London. It was Thursday here. It was very cold here but, it was not Thanksgiving. In the morning, I felt fine. We are celebrating Thanksgiving on Saturday at a friend's place and I have a pecan pie that I am baking right now. I also have a turkey deep in a brine in a plastic box I went out and bought this morning. So, I had some Thanksgiving preparations to think about. A few hours later, I wasn't feeling as good, lonely and really missing that spirit you feel when almost everyone is at the same purpose of holiday enjoyment. So, I went out into the cold, hopped on the bus, hopped off the bus and kept walking through London. It was a brisk cold weather walk, which can be a great thing. I walked for about an hour and then got on the tube and headed over to Westfield, the giant mall where I was meeting G after work to get our turkey.
I was hungry for lunch and decided to treat myself for Thanksgiving so when I saw that Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant chain had opened there, I decided that would be acceptable. I have eaten at Fifteen in Amsterdam and at Jamie's Italian at Canary Wharf when it was still new. I had had a good experience at Canary Wharf and it wasn't very 'chain' restaurant feeling then and I was looking forward to it. Ok, enough set up, onto the meal.
I ordered the bruscetta with oven dried tomatoes, basil, garlic and ricotta, the Mushroom Tagliatelle special (a half order), and the chocolate espresso tart with figs and orange cream. The greeting was good but I got seated by the window and side door on the coldest day so far this season. So, I felt like I should ask to be moved, since there were many tables open. But, I didn't, I put my trust in the hostess and restaurant to be warm and comfortable. I began by ordering the Grape and cucumber martini sounds good and I needed a kick. The waiter came back and told me they were out of grapes so I could choose something else. So, I  said, what if you just make it without the grape garnish and let me have it? So, it came and it was refreshing. The bruscetta was tasty and I enjoyed it. On the waiter's recommend, I had the special and it came out hot and the pasta was cooked well. The problem was, the mushrooms, a couple weren't soaked well enough and I got grit in my dish in 2 or 3 bites. That ruins the dish. It is no fun to eat grit in your pasta. I left most of the mushrooms and did finish the pasta. I ordered dessert and a dessert wine and contemplated telling the staff about my grit issue. The tart was good and not too sweet. So, I did call the hostess over and I explained my grissue. The manager came over and we talked about it and he was very polite and thanked me for telling him. The check came and I got charged for everything. I thought he would take it off. It was only around 6 pounds. The waitress came and brought the credit card machine and a new check which had the dessert deducted from the bill. I payed and tipped and left. The service was not what I expected. My first waiter was nervous and perhaps it was his first day, it felt like it. My later waitress was more comfortable and helpful. I did end up being cold at my table and that side door was used once during my meal. These are not crimes against humanity but...
In the end, I am reminded the cache that comes with the celebrity name does not translate to the chain restaurant or perhaps I don't translate to the chain restaurant. I think that may be the real grissue. That aside, I love Jamie Oliver and what he is doing. His lunch program, the new fish sustainability program, his 30 minute meals are showing an undereducated public how to cook real food easily and quickly. Thanks Jamie.

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