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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Paella sans mussels

Last night I took that juicy chicken and stripped it. I boiled down the carcass with some thyme and rosemary and made a nice stock. I sauteed some chorizo and added the chicken and tossed it in the yummy chorizo oil. I put that aside and sauteed a sort of mirepoix of carrots, garlic, shallot and fennel in the same meaty pan with a little olive oil, toss in paella rice and fry up a bit longer, add umami paste and saffron, then add chicken stock to simmer down. I studded the top with that meaty goodness and off we go. I hadn't even thought of making paella. I found the rice in the cabinet and it all happened from there. The rice got that lovely crispy brown bottom on it and turned out tasting very very nice. G had two bowls and took the rest to work this morning. He did leave me a little for my lunch to which I added a bit more chorizo. I am going to get better at this, I will (meaning:  I did not photograph it). Yum

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